Steeped in Evil by Laura child

I enjoyed this book. This was my first book to read by Laura child’s but it will not be my last. I liked all the characters. Love when people walk in to murders like that. Glad it doesn’t happen to me though. I give it a four out of five stars. Look forward to more of her stories. I received this ebook through first reads for a fair and honest opinion.

Prime of Life by P.D. Bekendam

This is a debut novel that I don’t know if he will be able to equal. I loved it. I was not sure how I would enjoy this but I am so glad I tried it. This is a story about a doctor that quits and becomes a janitor for a retirement complex. The residents are fun and quirky. He has to decide whether to return to being a doctor or stay a janitor. It is interesting how he decides.
I received this book from first look through worthy publishing for an honest opinion.{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252